20 September 2010


A color-coded map of geographical racial distribution in metropolitan Chicago.  This is from 2000, so there would be changes to account for, such as the demolition of Cabrini Green housing projects, the blue cluster on the Near North Side.  Chicago is an example of hypersegregation.

15 August 2010


Should 14-Year-Old Kendall Jenner Be Doing a Bikini Shoot? - iVillage

The complaint is misogynist and regressive. Standards of decency for how females are SUPPOSED to dress have been created by men and sustained by women, who go along with these restrictions because they are complicit in the historical oppression of females. The fact that we are talking about how girls dress and what is and what is not appropriate for women and girls to wear reminds me of discussions of the burqa. While the  sexualization and objectification of the female body is far from over (if ever), this situation is a necessary evolutionary step in its eventual de-objectification. Men do not have to conform to such stringent standards today because they are not oppressed and controlled by women. It's a much larger picture than imagined.

07 June 2010


  • Step 1 - We declare that we are powerful and that our lives are manageable
  • Step 2 - We understand that we are perfectly sane and do not need to be restored to sanity
  • Step 3 - We know that we have control of our lives and responsibility for our every action
  • Step 4 - We make a searching and fearless inventory of ourselves
  • Step 5 - We declare to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our strengths
  • Step 6 - We realize we are solid in character and that we are amazing
  • Step 7 - We celebrate our strengths
  • Step 8 - We make a list of all persons we had harmed, and asked them for forgiveness as we forgave ourselves
  • Step 9 - We make direct amends to such people and to ourselves
  • Step 10 - We continue to take personal inventory and make frequent affirmations of our self-worth and strength
  • Step 11 - Seek through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with ourselves, affirming our will and power
  • Step 12 - Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, practice these principles in all our affairs

    06 April 2010


    YouTube - Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq

    If you haven't yet read about or watch the "Collateral Murder" leak from 2007, you can at the link. It shows the video game our "peacekeeping freedom fighters" are playing. The fact that they mistakenly killed a Reuters photographer assistant whose camera was mistaken for an AK-47, is not the important fact. The important fact is that they killed. "Engaging" is another word for murder, they just choose not to use that language, instead employing euphemisms to conduct their "obligations."

    "Laws" of combat? Really?

    Obama's Nobel peace prize remains truly questionable because the same thing will happen in his Afghanistan.

    When will this end, you guys? What are you going to do about your friends and family joining the military?

    17 March 2010


    The story of the (statistically probably gay) black boy in the rural south with HIV screwed over by the insurance company has no relevance or capability of being related to by the ignorant American class of comfort that watches, armed in the turrets of their fortress of privilege, for any threat to their PERCEIVED security in health coverage. The same people who will not budge to support health care for all will certainly pay no mind to the Mitchell case, or more likely side with the insurance company in keeping them out. On the other hand, the extreme exoticism of the Mitchell case could lead it to be fetishized enough to serve as an effective symbol and discussion point for all sides, ultimately working to reveal the flaws of the system.

    17 February 2010


    Whole Story Blog Archive Our meat: No antibiotics, EVER!

    The continual rise of Whole Foods and its power to influence the market and alter the dynamics of industrial farming is not just a blip on the radar. While the more radical tend to find fault in a chain of such magnitude or scoff at the owner's stance on US healthcare, the effect of consumerist activism through the arm of Whole Foods is undeniable.

    Remember: YOU and your dollar determine what is planted on the farm.

    26 January 2010


    Ce que pr�conise la�mission sur le port du�voile int�gral - Lib�ration

    The most interesting thing about this is that only 1,900 women in France wear veils and that this information was actually accurately obtained.