27 August 2004


The New York Times > Health > A Big Maker of Flu Shots Finds Some Contaminated

Don't introduce ANYTHING foreign into your bloodstream, especially something manufactured by a huge corporation who is SIMPLY IN IT FOR MONEY. They have a failsafe ideology backing their product: the legitimizing force of medical science and the blind faith of the modern world in it, they profit from your fear of death. They either build upon or create myths that sustain belief in need for their product. Stop being scared of death! Don't vaccinate, ever. DIE! JUST FUCKING DIE! It'll be fun!

12 August 2004


State high court invalidates SF's same-sex marriages / By 5-2 vote, justices rule against Newsom, say mayor went too far

See! If we continually require the government to get involved in personal relationships and to validate them through its institutions of inequity, then we will be continually fucked!!! ALL PEOPLE - GAY AND STRAIGHT - MUST NOT PARTICIPATE IN STATE-SANCTIONED MARRIAGE!!! The insitution and its privileges discriminate against people that choose to remain single or who choose to be with more than one person! Just because homosexuals choose to imitate procreative heterosexual couples should not be a reason to bestow privileges such as tax breaks and access to health care and other benefits. It's completely unfair!!!!!!!! The institution is a relic of procreative, Christian governments and needs to be abolished!

Now, having a committment ceremony in front of friends family and community is one thing, but involving the state is OPPRESSIVE.

Catch my drift?

09 August 2004


The New York Times > National > Patients With H.I.V. Seen as Separated by a Racial Divide

The linked article above reports on how people with African ethnic origin are much more likely to test positive for HIV than other ethnic groups. Read it. Unfortunately, considering the state of the world today, it is only natural that the medical syndrome authored by the U.S. government disproportionately affects minorities. Of course it does! AIDS is the perfect shadow of the white, heterosexual, non-drug using Christian monolith that rules the world.

Of course black men have AIDS!
Of course they're being diagnosed as terminal with the authored syndrome!
Of course the most feared constituency of the American populace is the one most AIDS-like!
Of course there's a corroboration!

Status quo must be maintained, via all channels available to us.

Of course the actual science of the HIV testing kits is overlooked: that antigens more common in the blood of those with origins in Africa that are known to trigger diagnostic interpretations as positive. (reference) Of course these facts are in wide disregard, as these facts do not reinscribe the dominant modes of discourse that maintain the hegemony of the status quo...and the status quo is to scapegoat black men. (let's be honest with ourselves, really.)

Do not stand there and take racist/heterosexist oppression in the form of medical science. Simply because most of our knowledge and beliefs today are mediated through the legitimating practices of science should not give reason to legitimate your oppression as it is played out in the arena of medicine and the religion of science.

Do not place faith in something as it simultaneously oppresses you, or you shall in turn, be oppressing yourself, even if that thing is the very thing that made you who you are and shaped your beliefs. Oppression can only happen if one permits it to happen by placing credence and participating in the systems and paradigms that oppress you.


The New York Times > Washington > Rice Says Iran Must Not Be Allowed to Develop Nuclear Arms

But of course the United States is allowed to develop nuclear weapons.

The United States can do whatever the FUCK IT WANTS. It can build as many weapons of mass destruction as it fucking likes, as long as it has that sense of being in control, which is motivated by fear and ultimately is an illusion. Why must we kill? Why must we control?



The New York Times > Washington > Campaign 2004 > Keyes vs. Obama in Illinois Race

The only reason Barack Obama is popular is because he is highly palatable to white people. Popular, because it is white people that make up the majority of the populous.

He is not the "real American nigger" that always makes whites in power uncomfortable. He is an acceptable form of African-American, since he really isn't African-American as America has come to know it. He does not threaten any of the ideologies in question that maintain the institutions of power that are for and benefit white rich people.

I'd like to see a dark-as-night, corn-rowed nigga from da block step forward, full in his ghetto glory, lead the American people in only ways that he can. It's time. I'm completely serious. Perhaps now that Obama has somewhat brought to light and tempered

05 August 2004

Prison can't kill notorious student-teacher affair

Prison can't kill notorious student-teacher affair - World - www.smh.com.au

I love this. Completely going against social and cultural convention, the teacher falls in love with her sixth grade student, has two of his children, and gets thrown in prison for fucking him.

I think it's perverse and that's why I like it. Perversion shows us our social limits an challenges our personal boundaries. The authority of law has no business meddling in the personal lives of citizens. Legality cannot enforce morality, as that which is considered moral is continually shifts and changes in dynamic culture, especially one as heterogeneous as that of the United States.

I wonder to what degree cultural difference permitted the boy with a Pacific Island background to pursue a relationship with his teacher. Did he tell his mother about it? Did she care? She's taking care of their children while the mother is in prison - why?

It's a shame that laws are set up to protect and thusly ENFORCE a particular mind set or way of thinking. Herein lies the myth of Freedom, ESPECIALLY that myth of American Freedom that has been constructed and enforced to maintain hegemony by white, male, heterosexual, corporate interests and to reify them into an ideal-to-be-attained.

And YES, we do hear that ALL THE TIME - that particular consituency of our population "oppresses and dominates everyone else" but it must be accepted that this is indeed true!!!!!! If it weren't true, it wouldn't have become such a considerable trope for our age. Every institution and legal mechanism has been built to maintain, privilege, and enforce that world order, and that world order is simply not fair. The institutions that function to serve people must serve them equally. I hope it is understood and FELT that this is true and that they do not.

Love and human connection is one of those beautiful things that can transcend everything - laws, distance, age, physicality, science, morality - and for that we must humbly give thanks. I gain great personal strength from knowing this and have claimed it as one of my truths.

If I fell in love with a twelve year old - and it is possible - would you punish me or would you understand me?